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[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces”][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion shape=”square” c_icon=”” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section i_position=”right” subtitle=”Art Director, Husband of one, Father of four, Gamer” background_image=”2570″ padding_top_bottom=”30″ padding_left_right=”10″ title=”ARCHITECTURE” tab_id=”1461868325548-c4ef2cfb-5580″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_type=”entypo” subtitle=”Art Director, Husband of one, Father of four, Gamer” background_image=”2571″ padding_top_bottom=”30″ padding_left_right=”10″ title=”ENGINEERING” tab_id=”1461868325591-1a8c8216-35fc” add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-cog” subtitle=”Art Director, Husband of one, Father of four, Gamer” background_image=”2572″ padding_top_bottom=”30″ padding_left_right=”10″ title=”INTERIOR DESIGN” tab_id=”1462477884685-fa6d5e66-3582″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section subtitle=”Art Director, Husband of one, Father of four, Gamer” background_image=”2239″ padding_top_bottom=”30″ padding_left_right=”10″ title=”MANAGING SYSTEMS” tab_id=”1462477869549-d4813690-6c56″ add_icon=”true”][vc_column_text][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][half_width]Nothing is perfect on the web. We can’t make sure that our websites always work as intended, but we can try our best to design resilient and flexible websites that aren’t that easy to break — both in terms of interface design and security. Yet still neither resilience nor flexibility are usually reflected in deliverables and mock-ups. [/half_width][/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]